
Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Nora on summer holliday in Norway

Nora is having a lovely holliday in Norway with the whole family, she have been lots out on the boat (on the north sea!) and lots of hanging out with the cousins and uncle and 'new' aunty from Bergen who she had not met before now. Nora is getting attention overload, and Mamma is hoping that she is not getting too used too it! Allthough Nora and Mamma is having a great time, we are deeply missing Dad who is working away in London, but is luckily coming to see us in Norway soon... Look at the longing for Dad in Nora's eyes;
Nora is also very good at crying and showing us she is NOT impressed;
Nora just met her new cousin, Nicolaj (6 1/2 months old), who lives in Bergen, Nora stared at Nicolaj for a long time, Nicolaj didn't really have time to look back;)
Uncle Johnny proudly holding the two babies in the family (they are both quite fond of his arms, they are very good for falling asleep in - both babies agrees;)
Nora met Uncle Johnny for the first time this trip, they both liked eachother straight away!
No lack of attention!
ooooohhh... the book is attacking Nora (you can't trust those english books;)
On the beach;
What a face!

On the beach again;
Far (Grandad) and Mamma and Nora on a walk around town

Nora is very happy in cousin Maren's arms (where she spends a lot of time);
Nora and Far enjoying eachother and being out in the boat!
Nora and Tatta Lene

Mormor (Nanna), Cousin's Thilde & Maren enjoying the sea
Changing nappies
Sleeping beauty

Nora in pyjamas getting a cuddle before bed

Out with Great-Grandma 'Dedda' to a lovely park in Kristiansand called Ravnedalen.
Nora with her Grandma and Great-Grandma
Nora and Far

Nora and Mormor having a chat;

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Nora almost 3 months old already

Nora is almost 3 months and already got the perfect princess wave down;)

oohhh.... those eyes
Boardroom meeting in Beyondstock; Chairman Liam leeding the meeting..
Nora is a very happy & perfect little girl (or so her parents think anyway:)
Nora busy at her desk in the office;
Nora have really started to like to look at things and touch them, especially books
She is putting on some weight, a healthy 6 kgs now!Having a nap on the sofa...again
Aunty Erin is very happy to lend a hand feeding (expressed) milk! Nora a bit confused as to what happened to mum's boob..;)
Holding on to that bottle!
Nora loves to lie on the gorgeous sheep skin we got from onkel Johnny for X-mas! So sooooft!
Nora and Dad in the office, Nora wearing a gorgeous hanmade dress from Cuba from 'Uncle' Rod in Australia

Another lovely nap on the sofa!
It is no problem taking Nora to restaurants, she is happy anywhere;

Nora in the best arms in the world, Dad's:
Uncle Sean and Aunty Fleur practicing:)
We had visit from Australia, Cousin Mark came over for a BBQ and everybody came over for a lovely night!
Shhh Nora.....
He, he.....
Cousin Mark giving Nora a cuddle
Having a nap in Mum's and Dad's bed....mmmm the best bed in the world:)
How cool are these guys!!?
Just gorgeous!

Rugby season.... GO THE ALL BLACKS!
All though the games can be a bit long sometimes, so a nap in the middle of it is required!