
Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Nora almost 6 months old & started solids

Yummy! Nora is a big girl and have started to eat solids. We first started with only baby rice & porridge in the mornings, and are now also having lunch & dinner, which is a yummy vegetable puree. This week we have tasted colliflower, broccoli & potato puree. Every week we introduce a few new vegetables. Nora loves it and we just had to up the portions! We might soon start to taste different fruits also (we have waited a bit with this, so we didn't start with lots of too sweet things - Veggies first:)

Brrr ... winter have arrived to London!

Nora's absolute favourite 'toy' these days: a remote control (preferably the one for the TV)
We just got a new, really cool bath chair, Nora have always loved her bath's and this makes bath time a bit easier for mamma:) Nora loves sitting all on her own and just playing

The O'Malley's had a visit from Greg all the way from Australia for 2 weeks! It was really nice, all though Greg made Nora wear his yellow wallabies cap (the Australian rugby team), Dad was not too excited about that!
...yes, that yellow caps!
Nora having a nap in the pub (she wasn't kicked out luckily!)
Sitting on Dad's shoulders, loving it, while Mamma was walking behind as a nervous wreck!!

First time Nora was sitting in a proper high chair.. she was quite proud I think!

Having a sip of water in the office... hard work makes you thirsty!

A trip to Mamma's favourite shop; IKEA. Baby's were on special that day;)
Nora loves walking in the pram, hates getting put into the pram, but loves when the pram moves! Makes sense...!!??

Hanging out in the bouncer, literally;)
We had Nana & Grandad visiting from New Zealand. It was great for Nora to finally meet them and get LOTS of cuddles!
Out walking the streets in the baby bjorn with mamma
Hard at work in the office again, here making very important notes on post its!

Lunch break in the office with dad
Rugby season - Go the All Blacks!
Zara always have lots of cuddles for Nora... aren't they gorgeous?
Grandad & Nora in The Lakes District

Sunday lunch in the Lakes with Nana
In the pub with grandad having a good chat!
Nora's very first time going down the slide, luckily grandad was borrowing a much needed hand;)

Nana & Nora enjoying lunch together at Wagamama's
Nora's very first bath in a big bathtub, was in the Lakes district together with cousins Katey, Zara & Liam, who were all so good with Nora and helped and even held on to her in the tub. They all loved it! (I think Nana did to;)
Having a beauty sleep
Nora have gotten a new toy to keep her entertained in the office, she loves her walking chair!
And another busy day for Nora in the office:)
The very first 'food' item Nora tried, was this pineapple she just loved to suck on, couldn't get enough. So after this the parents took a hint and started to introduce Nora to solids! She is growing so fast!!
And after a proper meal - we need a drink;)
Going to a cafe with Dad having some toast! Yum, yum!

mmmm... pineapple!
Having a routine weighing;) (this is the airport scale for luggage!) - we got a fairly accurate weighing though, about 7 kg's
Nora have also gotten a beanbag (sakkosekk) to relax in at home, she loves sitting in it, espesially if she can also have the remote for the TV to chew on!
Nora is getting so big, and can ALMOST sit up on her own. But right now it is good to have pillows around just in case!
Aunty Emma & Nora:)
Beanbag & TV....just like her Dad!
Nora checking out some important spredsheets in the office;
Nora have started baby swimming, and absolutely loves it, and she is so good at it. We have been under water, even on her own not being held by mamma!!
Beanbag & TV .... again.... Yea!
Nice daddy cuddles in the sofa
....and in the park
So gorgeous!
Ooopsy daisy....

Enjoying some good books with dad